Community input drives master plan that addresses growth and improves educational facilities
A facilities master plan for three elementary schools, a middle school, and a high school supports the strategic plan for Tri-Creek School Corporation. Community engagement sessions fueled the plan and followed Legat’s five-step master planning process:
- Gather: The team presented growth projections, educational adequacy concepts, capacity and utilization diagrams, and a summary of recent projects.
- Envision: Discussions focused on identity expressions, collaboration spaces, and how the vision and mission could be represented.
- Define: The core team helped the community define the programmatic needs of each school.
- Consider: After reviewing site and floor plans, small groups focused on creating remodeling or expansion solutions to meet each school’s needs.
- Transform: The community and core team identified priorities and recommendations for each school.
Key recommendations included moving fifth grade to the middle school, high school renovations including new administration location and new secured entry, upgrades to high school athletic fields, and a new preK-K facility with attached administration center. The final plan shows existing conditions, proposed work, and projected costs at each school.
The Tri-Creek School Corporation master plan was a collaboration between CSK Architects (local), VPS Architecture (regional), and Legat (national).